Friday, January 4, 2013


I know it's late, but Happy New Years.
Let's jump right into it, eh?

Most people make resolutions every year, and I’ve never known if they’ve actually followed through all the time. I just know it’s generally assumed that we don’t see them through.
Recently, I was on tumblr, and I saw this pic that said “New years, The time when gym registration lines are longest” or something. It yielded one laugh in the comments, and a slew of hate, because I guess (this wasn’t’ my impression from it, but I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes), it was to shame people who decide to have “getting fit” as their new years resolution, and join a gymto make it easier, since they generally don’t know where to start.
Then I realized that I don’t’ see a lot of noob shaming on tumblr or fitness blogs/fitblrs or wherever else, in all actuality, I typically see a lot of support, but everyone knows there’s a few bad apples everywhere who want to ruin it for the rest. They often forget that they started somewhere, too. Very few people go into a gym their first time knowing what to do, and even then, I’m sure pros have  been offered tips once in a while.

But that’s not what I’m on about today. I really just wanted to share some of my resolutions with you all before it’s actually time to post them. I guess there’s never really a “time” , as you can start resolving mid-year, but it’s just a thought.
My first: get fit the healthy way. Especially after reading how deadly shortcuts can be (or that after getting lipo your fat can just grow back in weird places, like you get it taken off your legs, but then it comes back on your arms…just…doesn’t sound pleasant to me…)
My second: build endurance. I’ve yet again surprised myself with how little I have.
Third: make my handwriting neater…I’ve made it better since last year, but there’s definitey room for improvement, especially at a faster pace. I often try to write as fast as I type. Not something I can do. I’ve been using computers since I was a tot.
4) improve my Korean and Spanish. I’m getting a head start on the Spanish.
5) Be more patient.  I often forget that just because I know something doesn’t mean others know it as well, so I’ll explain in English tha makes sense to me since I do it often and forget some details, then I invariably get exasperated when I’ve explained twice and the other party still doesn’t’ get it.  I’m not sure why this happens, but I am working o better myself with it, because this only results in two very frustrated individuals.
I also need to take better care of my insides. I’m lactose intolerant, there’s no reason that I shouldn’t be able to remember this next time I order a pizza. I’ve had pizza without cheese before, and I thoroughly enjoy it. I also can’t have pinapples, cooked or not. The irritation is less when they’re cooked, exponentially less, even. Doesn’t change the fact that my body rejects them in some way, so I should not partake in anything pineapple related.
Also, I’ve found out that when I’m just trying to be pleasantly helpful, I come off as sarcastic, or maybe those customers were just assholes, wait, no, those customers were just asswipes, nevermind. I know I’m damn pleasantly helpful when I’m trying to be helpful, but this brings me to my next resolution – cut the swearing. I know just about everyone does it, but I think I’m a bit excessive sometimes, which isn’t becoming.

Also, I'll stop complaining as much, there's a statistic out (they can be pretty bogus, but I"ll share anyway), well, it doen'st even really count by definition of statistics, but still, it's out there that people apparently complain 23 times a day. I don't count myself, but I know that I could complain less than I do. 

I think that’s all for now. There’s really so much going on again that I’ll be absent for a while. There’s literally two days a week where I don’t work, so they’re typically the days where I get my other necessary tasks done, so I’m not sure I’ll be able to blog on those days, either. Maybe I’ll be more regular when school starts up again. I’ll only have three classes, but I don’t know how many work hours yet. Hopefully a lot ^_^

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